To See and Hear the Sound of Sharing, Keep Reading!
By Kristin Clark Taylor
The Sound of Sharing
Ever notice how the simple act of sharing – especially if you’re sharing something great and wonderful – makes you feel, well, pretty great and wonderful?
This is the kind of sharing that happens every single day at QuaverEd — not just inside the classroom, but outside as well.
In fact, step into the QuaverEd curricula and you’ll hear it for yourself. Yes, indeed: Sharing has an actual sound!
Inside the Classroom
At QuaverReady, the sound of sharing lives within the sound of music.
Listen closely and you’ll hear something else, too: The sound of kindness and compassion. The sound of social and emotional learning. The sound of love.
“I Care,” QuaverReady’s beautiful new song about kindness, lets students reflect on the people they care about, like family, friends, and teachers. Click here to listen to the sound of kindness:
By creating and sharing songs, lessons, discussion points, and fun-to-learn printables, QuaverReady helps educators – teachers and counselors alike – ensure the social and emotional development of their students.
The Beauty of Bilingualism
Big News! The sound of sharing can also be heard between cultures!
You can now find Spanish-language versions of all of the songs in QuaverReady!
The search is simple: You’ll find these Spanish-language songs in Lessons, Songs, Resource Manager, and New Content.
Click on the song below, “El Compartir” (“I Can Share with You”), and listen to a song about – you guessed it! – the joy of sharing!
All of the animations are now offered in Spanish, too:
Use this song, “Nadie es Igual” (No One’s the Same”), to help your students understand and appreciate the differences in their classroom peers, and to celebrate the unique beauty of each and every person in the wider world around them!
To listen, click on the image below. You can also launch it from Songs on your Educator Dashboard to find all the fun accompanying activities.

Caption: Recognizing our Differences is Important – and Fun! Let this new song, “Nadie es Igual” help you celebrate each child’s uniqueness.
Caption: Recognizing our Differences is Important – and Fun! Let this new song, “Nadie es Igual” help you celebrate each child’s uniqueness.
Outside the Classroom
More big news! The sound of sharing can be heard outside the classroom, too!
Listen! Can you hear it? It’s the sound of professional learning!
QuaverEd recently launched its new “Leaders in Education” series, where Subject Matter Experts and leading educators come together to share their wisdom and expertise on important topics and emerging trends.
Tune into a recent episode here, as educator and expert Becky Haas talks about the challenging topic of trauma in schools.
An international advocate and trainer on using a trauma-informed approach in the classroom, Haas has volumes of vital wisdom to share.
Click here for Part I. Click here for Part II.
So whether you’re spreading compassion in your classroom by sharing a beautiful new song about kindness with your students or ensuring your own professional learning by tuning in to hear a Subject Matter Expert discuss an important issue that could expand your perspective as an educator, the sound of sharing is loud and clear at QuaverEd.
This is the sound of learning.
This is the sound of professional growth and development.
This is the sound of cultural sharing.
And what a beautiful sound it is.
Kristin Clark Taylor is an author and a journalist.
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