QuaverEd Translates Its Curricula into Spanish for Learning Worldwide

QuaverEd, a leader in elementary and middle school education, releases Spanish-language translations of QuaverMusicQuaverReady, and QuaverHealth•PE.

Approximately 10.6% or about 5.3 million U.S. students are identified as English-language learners (ELLs)—a number projected to grow annually. Some districts report that up to 70% of their student population speaks Spanish.

In 2022, administrators and educators shared with QuaverEd that there was often a disconnect in the classroom when only English-language materials were presented. Plus, educators faced the challenge of creating inclusive lessons while maintaining a seamless teaching flow.

With this knowledge, they created a Translation Team of 7 full-time, in-house employees and 17 contractors to improve and develop translations. They started by focusing on Spanish, the second most spoken language in the United States, with 13.7% of the population speaking it.

Benefits of using Quaver’s Spanish Resources:

  • Seamlessly integrated into instruction
  • Reduces language barriers that might hinder learning
  • Enables differentiated instruction to reach all students
  • Makes all students feel included and valued
  • Supports students’ cultural heritage and identity
  • Strengthens both English and Spanish language skills

“We realized we could have a greater impact in the lives of students if we made resources that spoke to ELLs in the classroom. We prioritized a strong team of full-time employees with different backgrounds to translate all our curricula,” stated Graham Hepburn, QuaverEd Vice President and Co-Founder.

Quaver’s improved side-by-side language features allow educators to easily toggle between English and Spanish. This makes classroom learning both accessible and familiar for Spanish-speaking students while supporting teachers with digital tools that do not disrupt their instruction.

Why Teachers Love These Resources

“For the first time, my Spanish speakers are taking an active role in class. Their faces light up when they realize they can understand the lesson. I notice that the rest of the class is so excited for them and…My Spanish speakers are now translating for the class so we can learn their language.”
Carol Ballard
Music teacher, Winding Waters K–8, Fla.

What’s Included in Spanish?

  • K–5 Lessons
  • All K–5 songs and animations
  • All Health Lessons (New lessons written in the past year will be available by fall 2025)
  • All PE Lessons (Classroom PE will be available by fall 2025)
  • Pre-K–5 Lessons
  • All songs and animations

Ana Jaramillo has been QuaverEd’s Manager of Translation for three years. She’s dedicated her time to making all QuaverEd curricula more accessible.

“I taught students from Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala,” Jaramillo recalls. “Some spoke little to no English, and the subtitles for the Quaver Episodes in Spanish were a lifesaver for these students. Having the full translations that we have now would have definitely been a game-changer.

QuaverEd is excited to continue aiding educators in igniting that spark of excitement and understanding in every classroom. These Spanish-language resources reflect a commitment to inclusivity and meaningful learning for all.

“We are thrilled to be part of an innovative educational company that bridges cultures, provides new learning opportunities, and most of all, is fun in more than one language!” states the Quaver Translation Team. “Quaver’s Marvelous World gets more marvelous every day!”

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¡Hasta luego!